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Seasonal Robin

Last updated on October 27, 2021

Ten years I’ve lived in this house of mine,
Annually watching the cold decline,
Observing spring’s pervading green,
And meeting again a bird benign.

It sings so soft a song serene,
On a branch high up, unseen.
I listen closely in my yard,
Until it lands ten feet between.

Although I am a peaceful bard,
It stares at me with keen eyes, hard.
It hops and pecks across the grass,
With peaceful calm and no regard.

As seasons step, its actions amass
A truth transparent, clear as glass.
All things will come and pass,
All things will come and pass.

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2 years ago

This was excellently interpreted, I can feel myself in a room in the house just watching as time and scenarios passed me by. As seasons change in our lives so do we, and their stain stays with us.

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